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The Storrior Box is dedicated to helping dramatic writers hone their craft, find opportunities, and stay inspired. That's why we host writing contests, giveaways, create inspirational playlists, book and festival guides, and so much more. Check back for updates as our company grows!

The first ten pages of any script are the most important. Will agents and producers keep reading, or will it be a pass? Find out how the first ten pages of your script stand up against the competition by entering our free first-ten coverage contest. Subscribe to our monthly box before November 15th, 2021 to be automatically entered to win.
It's all about who you know, and that's the truth. The Storrior Box offers a members only app where fellow Storriors can connect, share tips and opportunities, and even form their own writers' groups! Subscribe to our monthly box to gain access, and start writing better with your peers.

The ultimate workbook, chock full of probing questions and ideas to help you craft dynamic, three-dimensional characters that drive story. Download it free from our writer store!
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